The Sugarloaf Center

The Sugarloaf Community deCenter is a semi-autonomous all ages (un)learning and events space on the upper grounds of the SCA land. We welcome people of diverse ages and backgrounds to gather, converse, and learn together. There are two rooms one oriented more towards kids. People, dogs too, are welcome. The space offers wifi, library, air conditioning, art space & supplies & a kitchen. The space is completely volunteer run and operates from community contribution and participation.

There are music events, public events, community potlucks, kids summer programs, Spanish language conversation classes, Writers meetings and more.


The Sugarloaf deCenter is all volunteer run. Would you like to volunteer to host drop in hours at the center? Are you reliable? For more information about volunteering at the (de)Center please reach out at:


The Sugarloaf deCenter is available for community workshops and events. For events the space does request a small fee for use to keep it going! If you are interested in hold events at the Center please be in touch via You can also view and download our Events Form below.


Parking: General parking is in the lower lot. For people with access needs, there is limited parking near the building. Drive through the second gate and park either directly to the right of the front door or next to the Green Building Wellness Center.

Bathroom: There is unrailed ramp access to a 34″ doorway. Bathroom about 15 yards from the building.

Main Space Doorway: 34″ wide entry way and railed ramp to doorway.